Monday, 12 May 2014

Personal Project


L'automatica Workshop- Barcelona

I was been selected to go and visit L’automatica workshop in Barcelona, to do a project with 2nd and 3rd year Graphic design students. This project has been one of the great and first experiences that I have had. During the first day, I wasn’t too keen about this trip as everything was new to me and I have never been away from my family. However, throughout this trip, I have learnt many things such as using big printing machines, work with others in a small group and I have realised that the 3rd year students were quite clever as they were doing work very quick, rather than wasting valuable time, and they were able to pick up any mistakes that we had made. I have never been too keen on working with others, as I like working independently. However, after couple of days everyone started to get along, they were being very friendly and polite, and everyone was helping each other out despite the fact that we met each other the first time during this trip. Therefore, I started to enjoy this trip more and we were working really close due to us having less time. This project was difficult as we had to do everything manually and it was time consuming. Hence, we had to work in fast pace, in order to complete all our work in a week. Therefore I feel that I have rushed in my work, as we did not have enough time to check over every little details or to re-do the work. Overall, I absolutely enjoyed working with others as well with the teachers.

During Professional Practice module, we had lecture that we had by L’automatica, Ariadna mentioned that without Ferran, (Works at L’automatica workshop) the studio would have not been successful. This is a fact as I saw Farahn working consistently hard; he knew everything about the workshop and the decision that he made in order to finish the work. If we had any problems then we had to go to Ferran to give us solutions to overcome that issue. Without him it is very difficult to get the work done to a high standard and I would say that he is a legend, as he knows everything about the workshop/job from bottom of his heart. He is a big inspiration for me, as I have learned many things from him, such as if there is a little gap between each letter then he would add a piece of thin paper in order to fill in the gap so it is fixed tightly together. Another thing is that he creates boxes to fill up the different left over paint so it does not go to waste. It was really creative and he demonstrated us how to make a box from a card. It was really amazing as even if you fill it up with the water it would not still leak or the paper would not be damped. In addition, it was really sad that he could not communicate with us as much as others due to the fact that he could not speak English, however, there was still great understanding between all of us and he really helped everyone with any problems that we faced. 

Here are some images shown below of how we worked as a group as well as how big are the machines in the studio.  

Diwali festival 2013

Diwali is one of the greatest Hindu festivals, which is celebrated every year. The meaning of Diwali is that the festival celebrates the victory of good over evil, light over darkness and knowledge over ignorance. Although the actual legends that go with the festival are different in different parts of India for example:

  • In northern India and elsewhere, Diwali celebrates Rama's return from fourteen years of exile to Ayodhya after the defeat of Ravana and his subsequent coronation as king.
  • In Gujarat, the festival honours Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth.
  • In Nepal Diwali commemorates the victory of Lord Krishna over the demon king Narakaasura;
  • In Bengal, it is associated with the goddess Kali.

This is one of the most festive and beautiful times of the year, especially in India. Diwali means a “row of lights”. Diwali is celebrated on the thirteen or fourteen day in the dark half of Kartik (October or November); it is also known as Krishna Chuturdashi. It is the darkest night of the darkest period, yet it is a celebration of light. Additionally, Diwali is the holy time in which we offer our prayers to Maha Lakshmi and we worship Her with piety and devotion. Maha Lakshmi is the goddess of wealth and prosperity.

There are five days of celebrating this big festival of Diwali and each day different festival is celebrated.

On the first day of Diwali, housewives consider it auspicious to spring clean the home and shop for gold or kitchen utensils.

On the second day, people decorate their homes with clay lamps and create design patterns called ‘Rangoli’ on the floor using coloured powders or sand.

This is the main day of the festival when families gather together for Lakshmi puja, a prayer to Goddess Lakshmi followed by mouth-watering feasts. Also,we line are homes and streets with lanterns we explode fireworks and children play with sparkles.

This is the first day of the New Year when friends and relatives visit with gifts or money and best wishes for the season.

On the last day of Diwali, brothers visit their married sisters who welcome them with love and a lavish meal.

This is an image of ‘Rangoli’ pattern that I have created using colour powder and decorated it with lanterns.

Sunday, 4 May 2014

Research and References Folder Semester B

Project 5: Game Play

CHESS- is for 2 players, age from 6

How to play chess

The object of the game is to capture your challenger’s king.

The youngster player takes the brown pieces and her or his challenger takes the black pieces.

· The player can starts by moving one of his pieces.
· Players can alternate taking turns.
· Same players can never take two moves in a row.
· Each side has 16 pieces, which are made up of size different kinds, and each having their own moves.
· The pieces and their moves are listed in order of value, from highest to lowest.

King: The King can move only one square at a time in any direction to either colour. Since the object of the game is to capture the king, the king is not to be allowed to move to a square where he/she would be able to be captured by the opposing piece.

Queen: The Queen is the solidest piece in the game and can move any number of squares in any direction. The queen cannot jump over another piece.

Castle: The Castle can move any number of squares along a horizontal or vertical line. However, it cannot move both horizontally or vertically on the same move.

Bishop: The Bishop can only move diagonally and in one direction during a move.

Knight: The Knight is the only piece, which can move over its own, or challenger’s pieces. It moves two spaces in a row in any direction and then moves one space over to the left or to the right.

Pawn: The Pawn can move forward one square, except for the opening move when it can move forward two squares. It cannot jump over any pieces, so any piece directly in front of it blocks further advance of the Pawn. The Pawn can only capture a piece that is diagonally in front of it, if your Pawn is able to reach the end row on the game board, you can replace it with any piece other than a King. Usually, the Queen is chosen to replace the Pawn, which allows a player to have more than one Queen in the game.

Capturing your challenger’s pieces: In this game, captures are never made by moving over challenger’s piece. Instead captures always made my moving your pieces to a space that is occupied by your challenger’s piece. Since two pieces can never occupy the same space at the same time, your challenger piece is now captured and removed from the board.

Castling: This is a special move, used once by each player at any time during the game to bring a Rook into a play and strength the King’s defences. The king moves two places either left or right and the Rook is placed on the opposite side of the King. Castling is allowed only when:

· Both King and Rook are on their original sources.
· There are no pieces between the King and the Rook.
· The King is not under attack and does not pass a square under attack.

Check: When the King is threatened he is said to be “in check” and must be so wanted by his challenger. To get out of check, the player may:

· Capture the attacking piece. The defending player must immediately move the King or get out of check by taking the attacking piece or interfering another.
· Move the King out of danger.
· Put another piece between attacking piece and the King.

Checkmate: When the King is unable to escape from check in any of these ways, this is checkmate- the fine object of the game- and the attacking player wins.

Draw: A game is drawn when:

· One player cannot checkmate the other.
· Both players agree to end the game.
· There is a “stalemate”. This happens when a King is not in check, but when his only move puts him into check. This differs from checkmate, where the king is already in check before moving.

CHECKERS- Is for 2 players, age from 6

How to play Checkers

In this game you have to be the first player to either capture all of you challenger’s checkers or make it impossible for your challenger to make a move.

The youngster player takes 12 black checkers and places one of them on each of the black squares in the first three rows on his side of the board. Now the other player does the same on the opposite side of the board with 12 browns checkers.

Black players moves first and then players takes the turns, moving one checker per turn. At the beginning of the game, all checkers moves as single piece and that single piece may later become a king. A single checker can move diagonally forward to a black square, one square at the time.

Capturing or jumping: A player captures on challengers checker by jumping over it when the square behind his challenger’s checker is empty. A checker can make multiple jumps as long as it continues to move forward. Players must jump whenever is possible. 

Crowing: When checkers reaches the first row of his challenger’s side of the board. It becomes a King. You challenger must “King” you by taking one of the checkers he has captured and placing it on top of the checkers that is now in the King position. Two checkers now move as one unit.   

A King: This can move the same way a single checker does, except that the King can also move backwards. The moves in both directions can be combined only in a serious of jumps. However, if the single checkers the King’s Row by jumping over a challenger’s checkers, then you must wait until the next turn before jumping as a new King.

Note: A king maybe captured in a jump just like a single checker.

Winning: The first player to capture all of his challenger’s checkers or to prevent his challenger to moving any remaining checkers is the winner.

SNAKES AND LADDERS – is for 2 to 4 player

To be the first player to reach the square marked “100”

How to play Snakes and Ladders

Each player chooses a different colour-playing piece and puts their piece alongside the playing board. The youngster player starts by rolling the dice and moving his piece that number of spaces along the board play continues to the left. Each player takes only one turn at a time. Players may not move to a square, which is occupied by another player. Any player who lands on an occupied square must return to the square on which he began his move and lose his turn.

Ladder squares: If a player lands on a square showing the bottom of a ladder, the player moves up the ladder and places his playing piece in the square at the top of the ladder. Players may not move down ladders. 

Snake squares: If a player lands on a square showing a head of a snake, the player moves down the snake and places his playing piece on the square where the snake’ tail is. Player may not move up snakes. 

Note: The squares that have parts of a ladder or parts of a snake (other than squares the bottom of a ladder or the tail-end of a snake) are counted as regular squares. 

Winning: the first player to reach the square marked with the number “100” by exact roll of the dice, wins
the game. If a higher number is rolled than is needed, then the player losses his turn.


Ludo is a children's game based upon the ancient Indian game of Pachisi. 

The rules of the Ludo game is that a board is a square with a pattern on it in the shape of a cross, each arm being divided into three adjacent columns of eight squares. The middle squares form the home column for each colour and cannot be landed upon by other colours. The middle of the cross forms a large square which is the 'home' area and which is divided into 4 home different triangles, one of each colour. At each corner, separate to the main circuit are coloured circles (or squares) where the pieces are placed to begin.

Counters start their circuit one square in from the end of the arm and adjacent to the starting circle. Avoid modern boards, which incorrectly place the first square at the end of the arm.

The starting square, the starting circle, the home triangle and all the home column squares are coloured to match the corresponding pieces. 

Each player chooses one of the 4 colours (green, yellow, red or blue) and places the 4 pieces of that colour in the corresponding starting circle. A single die is thrown to determine movement.

How to play Ludo 

Each Player take turns in a clockwise order; highest throw of the die starts.

Each throw, the player decides which piece to move. A piece simply moves in a clockwise direction around the track which is given by the number thrown. If no piece can legally move according to the number thrown and play passes to the next player.

A throw of 6 gives another turn to play Ludo.

A player must throw a 6 to move a piece from the starting circle onto the first square on the track. The piece moves 6 squares around the circuit beginning with the appropriately coloured start square (and the player then has another turn).

If a piece lands on a piece of a different colour, the piece jumped upon is returned to its starting circle.

If a piece lands upon a piece of the same colour, this forms a block. This block cannot be passed or landed on by any opposing piece.

Winning: When a piece has circumnavigated the board, it proceeds up the home column. A piece can only be moved onto the home triangle by an exact throw.

The first person to move all 4 pieces into the home triangle is the winner.

SCRABBLE- is for 2 to 4 player

How to play Scrabble

The object of Scrabble is to score more points than one's challenger. A player collects points by placing words on the game board. The each letter has a different point value, so the strategy becomes to play words with high scoring letter combinations.

Scrabble is played with exactly 100 tiles. 98 of these tiles contain letters on them; while there are 2 blank tiles, which are blank tiles add a wildcard aspect to scrabble. The blanks alternate for any letter in the alphabet. Once played, a blank tile remains for the remainder of the game the letter for which it was replaced when first played.

The different letters have different point values, depending on the rarity of the letter and the difficulty in playing it. The blank tiles have no point of value.

Without looking into the tile bag, each of the Scrabble players takes one tile out of the tile bag. Whichever player has the letter closest to the beginning of the alphabet goes first. A blank tile is considered better than an "A". These tiles are placed into the bag once more.

Starting the game, each player begins their turn by drawing seven tiles apiece from the bag. The player can do one of three things on a turn. The player can place a word, exchange tiles or pass. Most of the time, the player will take the option of playing a word.

Exchanging tiles allows a player to replace anywhere between one and all of the tiles on the player's rack. If this option is taken, the player cannot do anything else that hand. Therefore, a tile exchange cannot be performed on a turn when the player places a word on the board.

The First Word Score

A player begins the game by placing a word on the star square at the centre of the board. This star acts as a double word score. The star cell does not act as a double word score for subsequent players playing off the centre square.

Play continues in a clockwise direction around the Scrabble board.

Replacing Scrabble Tiles

When a player places tiles on the Scrabble board, that player draws new tiles from the tile bag, adding until that player's number of tiles equals seven. The player must not look at the tiles when choosing new ones.

The Fifty Point Bonus

When a player is able to place all seven tiles from the tile rack on the board at the same time, that player receives a 50-point bonus. In end game scenarios, when the players hold less than the standard seven tiles, a player does not get the 50 point bonus for using all the tiles on the rack.

Tile Values

Here are the point values for each letter in Scrabble.

· 0 Points - Blank tile.
· 1 Point - A, E, I, L, N, O, R, S, T and U.
· 2 Points - D and G.
· 3 Points - B, C, M and P.
· 4 Points - F, H, V, W and Y.
· 5 Points - K.
· 8 Points - J and X.
· 10 Points - Q and Z.

Some squares on the Scrabble board represent multipliers. If a tile is placed on this square, then the tile's value is multiplied by a factor or either 2x or 3x. There are some certain tiles multiply the point value of an entire word and not simply the tile on that space.Extra Point Values

Double Letter Scores: The light blue cells are found isolated on the board. When a tile is placed on this space, that tile's point value is multiplied by two. (2x)

Triple Letter Score: This is a dark blue cell on the Scrabble. The tile placed on this square has its points, which can be multiplied by three. (3x)

Double Word Score: These are light red cells, which are found on running diagonally towards the four corners of the board. When a player plays a word on one of these squares, the point value of the entire word is multiplied by two. (2x)

Triple Word Score: This is a dark red square on the Scrabble board. These are found on the four sides of the board central from the four corners of the board. When a word is played using this square, then the points for the word are multiplied by three. (3x)

One Single Use: Note that extra point squares are only usable once. If one-player plays a word using this cells, then the next time that space is used to make a word and in that case the point value is not multiplied.

Winner: A player may pass at any time. If all players pass twice in a row, then the game ends. Furthermore, when all of the tiles have been taken from the bag and one player has used all of the tiles on their rack, then the game ends too.

Project 6: What is Graphic Design?

“Graphic Design is a visual language” that can be spoken out to the audience visually. The language combined with many different elements which includes:

· Logos and branding
· Colour- how it can be chosen,
· The elements of typefaces- how you going to decide what typeface will be suitable for your design,
· The layout of the page
· How you going to make it look good which can be as simple as understandable- easy to read the message

Graphic Design is the art of communication, portraying, and problem solving through the use of type, space, and images. Graphic Design use different methods to create and combine words, symbols, and images to create a visual representation of ideas and messages. It may use a combination of typography, visual arts and page layout techniques to produce the final design. The composition is one of the most important features of graphic design; this can include various combinations of the following elements:

Lines: Whether is straight, curved, wavy, thick or thin. When it comes to lines, the possibilities are limitless. These lines allow the designers to divide a space or separate content in a layout. It can also be used to guide the eyes of the viewer, or make other elements to follow a strategic path for added find ability, to get the viewer easily from point A to point B.

Shapes: Using shape is one of the keys to a successful graphic design. Shapes offer a variety of ways to fill spaces creatively, to support text and other forms of content that we use in our design as well as to balance a design. Shapes can be created out of nothing, using white space to give a design structure and clarity.    

Colour: The Colour or the absence of colour is an interesting and important element of graphic design because it can be applied to any other element, changing it dramatically. With a solid understanding of colour theory, designers can amazingly influence a design and a brand.

Type: Type can transform a message from simple text to a work of art. Different fonts, combined with customised positions, spacing, size, and colour, which can add power to the point, which you are communicating, to the world or the audience.

Texture: The texture of the artwork, even a smooth and glossy advertisement can seem noticeable with texture. It gives a sense of a solid surface through its visual appearance and adds a sense of depth, enhanced by selection of appropriate paper and material.

The differences between Graphic design and Fine Art is that graphic design is a form of communication in which visual information is used to convey a message. Unlike, fine art is normally used for commercial purposes, to convey a specific and persuasive message to a large audience. Graphic design often includes typography, page layout, image development, and branding, but it is not limited to these elements and it involves laying out graphics in a meaningful way. Fine art is all about drawing, painting, sculpting and animation. There is no "designing" for a purpose; it's just creating something visually appealing.

Graphic Design is not about creating something, which looks appealing and colourful that has been produced using Adobe Photoshop. Many people use computer software’s to create an artwork that can look just pretty but you can’t do better design using computer, it has to be done by yourself using various techniques and materials. What graphic design really is that it is the main role to communicate a message for the audience through using both text and images in easy and simple way that audiences will remember. 

In this generation, technology has improved dramatically compare to before as now most of the graphic designers or students uses software such as Adobe Photoshop to produce their work, rather than doing it by hand. As before they were no technology/software where you could create your work. In addition, this improvement of technology has made it so much easier for people not to waste their valuable time as creating design on computer is much easy and less time consuming but it would not look as professional as if you were to do it by hand. The software is there just to make your artwork look clean and pretty. However, Graphic design is more about being messy and doing something that you want to express to the audience. Furthermore, making artwork by hand, you will be able to feel the texture whereas digital work you wont be able to feel or connect to the artwork. 

Graphic Design is everywhere we see or look and everything we buy. Whether you outside or inside your house, is at your workplace, at university or around university or even on the train. Graphic design is everywhere you look. That posters you see everyday in your study studio- yes that is graphic design too. The plastics or a can of coke on your table- yes that is also a graphic design. Newspaper or book you read everyday during your journey- yes that is graphic design. The computer where you log in and see the background; that too is a graphic design.

The most common forms include in graphic design are:

· Logos
· Typography
· Posters
· Websites
· Business Cards
· Greeting Cards
· Brochures
· Billboards
· Book Design
· Product Packaging
· Advertisements
· Magazine Layout
· Newspaper Layout

The Graphic design is everywhere around us, even to the level where we stop noticing it most of the time. Graphic design stands out most when it is poorly produced; a famous example of an unsuccessful graphic design is “butterfly ballot” in Palm Beach, Florida, during the 2000 presidential election. The politics aside, the design of the ballot was so confusing that thousands of people did not cast votes for the candidate they had intended to select.

Below is the link to the video, which explains in a few sentences about what the actual graphic design is.

Conflicts between India & Pakistan over Jammu and Kashmir

The conflicts between India and Pakistan started in 1965. This was the second conflict between the two countries over the status of the state of Jammu and Kashmir. The clash did not resolve this dispute, but it did engage the United States and the Soviet Union in ways that would have important effects for subsequent superpower involvement in the region.

The dispute over this region originated in the process of decolonisation in South Asia. When the British colony of India gained its independence in 1947. This was partitioned into two separate entities: the first one is the secular nation of India and the second is the predominantly Muslim nation of Pakistan. Pakistan was composed of two non-contiguous regions, which are East Pakistan and West Pakistan; this was separated by Indian territory. The state of Jammu and Kashmir, which had a predominantly Muslim population but a Hindu leader, shared borders with both India and West Pakistan. The argument over which nation would incorporate the state led to the first India-Pakistan War in 1947 to 1948 and ended with UN mediation. Jammu and Kashmir, also known as “Indian Kashmir” or just “Kashmir,” joined the Republic of India, but the Pakistani Government continued to believe that the majority Muslim state rightfully belonged to Pakistan.

The conflict between these two countries has resumed again in 1965, when Pakistani and Indian forces clashed over disputed territory along the border between the two nations. The conflicts increased that August when the Pakistani army attempted to take Kashmir by force. The attempt to seize the state was unsuccessful, and the second India-Pakistan War reached a stalemate. This time, the international politics of the Cold War affected the nature of the conflict.

In January 1966 they met at Tashkent and signed a declaration agreeing to resolve their dispute by peaceful means. They also agreed to withdraw to their pre-August positions. It meant Pakistan retained control of the northern third of the state while India held the larger, southern and eastern section.

In 1972 the ceasefire line was renamed the Line of Control. Ever since this time most analysts believe India would accept the line to become the internationally recognised boundary. However, Pakistan remains opposed to this idea, as it would leave the largely Muslim Kashmir Valley as part of India. It also takes no account of Kashmiris who would like the whole state to be given its independence.

In 1989 armed resistance in Kashmir exploded against the Indian authorities. Pakistan supported the Kashmiri insurgents, leading to a further deterioration in relations between the two sides.

Throughout the early 1990s there were numerous uprisings against the Indian government.

In May 1999 the conflict reached a head again as India launched air strikes against Pakistani-backed Kashmiri militants.

Indian and Pakistani foreign ministers began a new series of talks in September 2004 aimed at resolving the Kashmiri dispute diplomatically.

Conflict between Turkey and Greece over Cyprus 

1914-2013- Cyprus has been divided since 1974 when Turkey invaded the north in response to a military coup on the island, which was backed by the Athens government.

1914 - Cyprus annexed by Britain, after more than 300 years of Ottoman rule. Britain had occupied the island in 1878, although it remained nominally under Ottoman sovereignty.

1955 - Greek Cypriots begin guerrilla war against British rule.

1960 - Cyprus gains independence after Greek and Turkish communities reach agreement on a constitution. Treaty of Guarantee gives Britain, Greece and Turkey the right to intervene. Britain retains sovereignty over two military bases.

1996 - Increased tension, violence along buffer zone in which two Greek Cypriot men were killed.

2004 December - Turkey agrees to extend its EU customs union agreement to 10 new member states, including Cyprus. The Turkish prime minister says this does not amount to a formal recognition of Cyprus.

2005 August - Cypriot airliner crashes near Athens, Greece, killing all 121 passengers and crew. It is the island's worst peacetime disaster.

2011 September - Cyprus begins exploratory drilling for oil and gas, prompting a diplomatic row with Turkey, which responds by sending an oil vessel to waters off northern Cyprus.

Israel- Palestine: Jewish and Arabs conflict 

The conflict started in 1940s and ended in 1949, the conflict was based on the Jews having no country of their own so a few resided in palatine and the Arabs did not have a problem with it at first as it was only a few, but there was an increase in Jewish migrates in Palestine by the 1949. They started taking over and this was when the Arabs started to retaliate and this caused the war in 1948 for the independence for their own land. Israel was then founded as a Jewish state making Israel’s seem much superior to the Palestine’s, which lead to a violation in human rights for Palestine.

The people of Palestine have been going through inequality, they are not given the same treatment as the Jewish, Jews are allowed to have many special privileges; such as rights to having lands and housings this was always denied to the Palestine’s.

This had an effect on people’s lives as their homes were taken over which portrayed them to become homeless, being homeless lead to starvation, which made a lot of people ill or even dying. This also ended up with people suffering from serve disabilities. Many people would feel worthless here as their family members, people they love and care about had been victimised, the same may even happen to them this makes their life feel worthless.

The Jewish people were being greedy in order to take over a land, which did not belong to them, and taking the original people out and replacing them with refugees. This had caused many people to die and many people to end up with serious disabilities also many to end up homeless living on the streets or in refugee camps. A lot of Palestinians had to go through starvation and suffering in order to get themselves known, however Israel did not give up and just ended up carrying on the vicious attacks which they put out, having no heart to the Palestine’s. Even though the Israel’s took over the country they should have had the dignity to treat both parties the same. However, the Jewish government felt power and related them as being superior whilst treating the Palestine’s as they were inferior. This had affected many people’s lives and made many people to feel anger to the situation, it should not be tolerated and should be fought against by doing whatever is possible.

Here is the YouTube link below, which explains the conflicts between Palestine and Israel.

Art & Design: Charity adverting posters

As a part of our research, we looked at different posters that has been advertised the campaign to raise money for young children and also to raise an awareness of the issues. From these posters we as an audience learn a lot about what is happening in each poster. One common thing that each of theses posters have is the use of children. This can be due to the fact that everyone human being can feel what the children are going through and can read their minds with out them speaking physically. Therefore, they have used the children to grab the audience’s attention and make them aware of the issues that are taking place all around the world, even though we as individuals might not be going through it but there are so many other individuals that are living in fears. These posters will help us with the poster that we will be designing to make an awareness of all the laws that have been broken regarding Palestine and Israel.

Inspiration of the final outcome

Through my research, I have found this clip that they have used currently to make an awareness of the conflict that is related to Palestine and Israel. This clip has inspired me to come up with an outcome of creating different posters based on international law of Israel that has been broken.

This is the ‘Most Shocking Second a Day’ Video’ of a young girl's life that has been traumatised. One moment she is a happy child that is celebrating her birthday with her family and then at the end she is in hospital celebrating her birthday with the hospital nurse. So what exactly happened that this tragic change has taken place in her life? Well, as you watch the video you will see that the young girl and her family go through a war that loads of individuals are going through in Palestine and Israel right at this moment. Therefore, the question is why as a human being we are sitting ideal and enjoying our lives while other humans are fighting for their lives in order to survive? Why is that we are not doing anything to those who is going through this tragic moment? Is it just because it is not happening to us personally or is it we have no humanity what so ever? ‘Just because it isn’t happening here, doesn’t mean it isn’t happening’ This is the tagline that they have used at the end of the video is to make people aware of tragic things that is taking place around the world, while they are to busy with their personal lives. 

The clip has been put together by Save the Children UK, this campaign uses the popular ‘second per day video’ life logging concept to drive home an anti-war messages in the most simple and unsettling way, focusing on how war affects every humans especially young children’s.

The video begins and ends with a young child and it follows the life of a little girl from one birthday to the next birthday. The clip is been documented day-by-day impact of the horrors of war as her comfortable existence is shattered and she ends up homeless in a refugee camp without any family member or friends.

The video ends with the message, “Just because it isn't happening here doesn't mean it isn't happening." This is very clever way to encourage every viewer to relate to the terrible impact of what's going on across the world. The campaign marks an increasing trend by charities and focusing on making the plight of far off countries more tangible by creating situations those viewers can relate to.

Project 7: These are a few...


The art of Henna can be found in many different cultures and societies. The most common use of henna is for body art and hair dying. The origins of Henna can be drawn back to the 14th century where one can find records of widespread use in Syria and Egypt. Henna is derived from leafs which come from a small shrub bush “grown to highest of about 3m (8 ½ feet)” (Sloss and Mirza page 189) high, generally in Africa and India. It is called Lawsonia Inermis. The shrub can also be found in many Middle Eastern countries and other hot and dry places across the world. Here on, I will be exploring the development of henna and henna patterns in a number of cultures and societies. The henna paste, which can be used on skin and hair as a colourant, consist of grounded henna leafs, strained lemon juice, ground coffee beans/tea leaves and eucalyptus oil. However this concoction varies according to different cultures. When you combine these ingredients, apply it to the skin usually in patterns and then leave it for a short amount of time and it dries and produces temporary reddish to brown stain. This old custom and early art can be found in past and present cultures, from Arabic to Indian, to ancient Roman and Aboriginals.
“Henna contains ingredients to be antibacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-haemorrhagic. Henna is useful in healing athlete's foot, fungal skin infections, and headaches, burning of the soles and palms, and local inflammation. The leaves and seeds of the plant possess medicinal properties. They both act as cooling agents for the head and body”. (Nomee 2007). Through this we can understand that Henna can be used for medical purposes. The beautiful patterns on the other hand, are widespread in India today. It hasn’t only just developed in recent centuries. The art of henna has existed for many centuries, there is not an exact place of its origin known because of the movement of people in different cultures through the lands and taking their art forms with them and therefore sharing their art with everyone along the way.

Origins from Egypt/Arabic

An example of known early examples of henna design being used as an art form can be drawn back to Ancient Egypt, as henna art alongside calligraphy and hieroglyphics was one of the earliest art forms in Egypt. This is obvious as it’s been recorded and archaeologists and historians displaying the use of henna on the hands of Pharaohs and Egyptian Nobels during the early Egyptian period have found objects. Furthermore henna was used to stain the fingers and toes of Pharaohs prior to mummification. The mummification processes took many days and as the Egyptians were diligent in planning their rebirth after their death- a religious belief. It is uncertain if they became quite dedicated in the preservation process, going to great lengths and extremes in order to preserve the bodies of Egyptian elites. This was done alongside henna decoration of the body as the Egyptians believed that body art ensured their recognition into the afterlife; thus using henna to identify them. Additionally, during the Ancient Egyptian period henna was commonly used as a cosmetic hair dye for as long as 6000 years. This is a common use nowadays too. Most famously, both queen Pharaohs Nerefititi and Cleopatra have been noted to use henna for this purpose.

Spread to the East through Islamic Culture

Moreover, “The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) used it to colour his hair as well as, more traditionally, his beard. He also liked his wives to colour their nails with it”. (Sloss and Mirza). Therefore it has directed Muslim communities to consider this practice as "sunnah," something positive and rewarding, which reflects the worthy actions of the Prophet. This is often found in the Middle East women with stained nails and stained hands with henna patterns, this was encouraged as it helped differentiate hands of men and women (due to their long covering clothing) henna art work is considered to be feminine. However, it is important to remember that Islam is the world’s fastest growing religion about1.3 billion people of a number of backgrounds, ethnicities and cultures. The encouragement of henna use under Islam has therefore encouraged people of an array of different cultures to use henna for beautification and hair dyeing.

Historically speaking, the broadcasters of the spread of henna art towards the east were the Mughals. The Mughal Empire was created in India by the conquest and expansion of Babur and his ruthless army. The Mughal Empire introduced to India the use of henna when adorning the body during 12th century AD. During this time the royals and the elite used henna to adorn their bodies, particularly on special occasions, mostly to celebrate weddings or any other celebrations. The patterns were complicatedly made by henna artists or beauticians. However those lower in the caste system and hierarchy soon explored also into the art of henna, adorning themselves and others. 

Indian weddings in today’s society and in generations before are noted as being incomplete without the henna celebration prior to Indian weddings. Bridal 'Mehendi' has been something almost compulsory in contemporary southern Asian countries, including India, Bangladesh, Pakistan and Sri Lanka. These communities in parts of the west, including the UK and the States have been successful in continuing this tradition, endorsing the attractiveness of bridal Henna. “The ritual of henna ceremony is followed in every part of the country where the hands of the bride are decorated with the lovely red/brown colour of the henna. On these celebratory or wedding occasions most traditional Indian designs are made on the hands of the bride. (Ananda Mela, 2011)

Henna patterns in different cultures

Henna patterns have four different styles. Firstly, the Middle Eastern style is mostly made up of floral patterns, which are similar to the Arabic paintings. “In the Middle East it is said that Arabs will not apply henna on their hands if they are not speaking the truth” (Henna History) to add it is often brides who apply this type of henna. Henna is also known to be rewarding, as mentioned earlier, in Islamic nations including Turkey, Iraq and Saudi Arabia. It is reasonable to conclude that Henna patterns echoing other art forms, allow it to be recognized as an art form in its own right.

The Middle Eastern style of henna application is using same techniques and style in different ways. This henna pattern has been created from the corner of the wrist and can be seen ending up on the second and third fingers.

The North African henna design style follows the shape of the hands and feet using floral patterns. It is noticeable how the pattern follows the design style of the henna from the wrist to the end of the fingers. On the models wrist the designer has drawn the patterns in detail and has created the look of a bracelet or a bangle on the models wrist. We can notice there are several mango shaped designs, which turn into a curvy style and are filled up in detail with many spirals designs. There are also many dots, which finish the edges in a stylish manner to make the design look more complicated and interesting.

The henna design style from the south Asian techniques, are lined patterns and teardrops. It is interesting the way in which the designer kept the consistency of the henna pattern design as in that way it makes the design looks perfect and even. The designer must have thought before he/she drew the henna patterns as we can notice there has been a great deal of attention paid to the back of the hand which has larger patterns and detail whilst the fingers appear to have smaller and even more detailed intricate designs the back of the hand of palm.

The henna design style in Indian and south Asian cultures includes many teardrops on the edge in order to complete the patterns. The henna design has many designs which are printed yet still is following the patterns in shape and the size as well as once it gets to the fingers. The designs on the fingers are beautiful though remaining very simplistic at the same time. The more simplistic the more elegant the design is believed to appear. To make the design complete the designer has added teardrops at the edge to make the pattern look strong and bold.

Lastly, the Indonesian and Southern Asian styles were a mix of Middle Eastern and Indian designs using blocks of colour on the very tips of their toes/fingers. The designs are quite similar to the other cultures but are placed more in the centre of the hand. Moreover, they use completely different pattern on the hands and the tips are coloured and leaving temporary dark stains, which are more bold and dramatic.


Overall, I think that henna designs and patterns have changed a lot throughout the centuries. Before there were a lot of simple design but throughout the centuries it has changed dramatically, nowadays the patterns are more complicated and very detailed, therefore it takes a lot of time for people to learn how to do professionally. I think the development of henna is admirable because the designs have evolved and developed; become modern. Also nowadays people have started using henna as a temporary tattoo, westernizing this art form allowing different ethnicities to start using it. “Many used tattoos for medicinal reasons, such as the Ojibwa, who tattooed the cheeks and forehead of those suffering chronic toothache or headache”. (Sloss and Mirza pg 98). Also this development of henna and patterns from different cultures has inspired me and I have always been interested in henna at a young age.

However, using henna can lead to various bad things. For example, you can get allergic reaction if you have really sensitive skin so therefore you have to be very strict when it comes to using henna on part of your body or for dying your hair. Henna is made out of different ingredients and sometimes it has chemicals, which can affect your skin badly. Therefore, you have to ensure that you’ve tested it first before directly applying it on to the skin.

Henna design is not only used to decorate obvious part of the body but it also been used to decorate the heads of women that suffer with the cancer “Using a hairless head as a canvas, 'the designs are customized and one-off works of art,' Ms Darwin told Today, who wants to empower cancer sufferers to feel beautiful again”. (Fleming 2012). Henna can be seen as part of beauty, if you have/had cancer and you’re losing your hair then you can use henna as means of beautification; to adorn your head. Many affected people do this, as they still want to be a part of the society without being judged or embarrassed.

Henna has developed so much that now people use henna to decorate the candles, jewellery boxes, photo frames, invitation cards, wedding cards, etc. for example, many Asian weddings that I have been to, tables have been designed with reservation cards with patterns of henna design. In the middle of the table, there are different sizes candles, which have been decorated by using henna patterns including their names and
dates of marriage. By decorating with Henna, the wedding look elegant and more traditional.


Flemings, O. (2012) ‘The stunning ‘henna crowns’ helping cancer victims come to terms with their hair-loss’ in ‘The Daily Mail’. May 25th. [Online] Available at: [Accessed: 17rd March 2014]

‘Henna History’ [Online] Available at:
[Accessed: 17th March 2014]

Nomee (2007) ‘Henna and Islam’ August 3rd. [Online] Available at: [Accessed: 19th March 2014]

Sloss A. and Mirza Z. (2008) ‘The Tattoo Sourcebook’ Page 189 [Accessed: 19th March 2014]

Sloss A. and Mirza Z. (2008) ‘The Tattoo Sourcebook’ Page 190 [Accessed: 19th March 2014]

Sloss A. and Mirza Z. (2008) ‘The Tattoo Sourcebook’ Page 8 [Accessed, 19th March 2014]

‘Ananda Mela’ [Online] Available at: [Accessed: 21st March 2014]

‘My Big Day’ Monday, July 9th, 2012 [Online] Available at: [Accessed: 22nd March 2014]

Celtic art 

Through my research, henna patterns are spread out from hair to body and from there to arms. At the same time it has spread dramatically, as now days people are using henna as a tattoo and this has become so popular, that it has lead to another form called Celtic Knot designs. Celtic knots are many different types of knots and styled graphical images of knots that are used for the decoration, which is used widely in the Celtic style. All these different knots are mostly known for they adaptation for the use in the ornamentation of Christian monuments and manuscripts.

The knot patterns has first appeared in the third and forth centuries (AD) and it can be seen in Roman floor at the time. In the development in the artistic use of interlaced knot patterns are now founded in Byzantine architecture and book illumination, Coptic art, Celtic art, Islamic art, Medieval Russian book illumination, Ethiopian art, and European architecture and book illumination. 

The Celtic art styles are mainly influences from non-Celtic sources either through trade or of themselves. In the early Christian manuscripts, these spirals, step patterns and key patterns were found, before the Christian influence on the Celts, which began around 450 A.D. This style is mostly associated with the Celtic lands, which has largely spread in England and then Irish spread it once again to Europe. There are eight elementary knots that have been identified by J. Romilly Allen which form the basis of all the interlaced patterns Celtic design art.

Early Celtic

Early Celtic art refers to the Hallstatt period, before the 5th century BC. Art historians begin to talk about Celtic art only from the La Tène period. The Early Medieval art of Britain and Ireland produced the Book of Kells and other masterpieces. In the art of history Celtic art is also know as insular art. Insular art is considered the golden period of the Celtic art. 

Typically, Celtic art is attractive; it is often involving complex symbolism avoiding straight lines and only using symmetry. Celtic art uses variety of different styles and has shown large influences from other cultures.

Celtic art is the visual art of the Celtic Revival from the 18th century to the modern era. This has made an aware of the efforts by Modern Celts. Which are mostly in the British Isles and Ireland, in order to become more popular beyond the Celtic nations. This style is influenced more from the Insular than the Iron Age.

Brooches and other accessories have been a part of celtic tradition since ancient times. The brooches were first found in Ireland because of the trade during the Greek era. According to Richard Hattatt, "During the early Celtic period the Greek Herodotus was spending half his life making extensive journeys abroad and writing his history. And incidentally, while the Celts from the Continent were invading our shores, and a woman or man was proudly flaunting brooch- there was a small independent local farming community way down in central Italy which called itself Roma." This description captures the sense that brooches were not unique to Celtic countries, and began from trade with the European world. 
Referenced Book: Celtic art by Ian Finlay

Early Celtic or La Tène art
Early Celtic art is the popular name that is given to the decorative styles of Europe, from Ireland to Romania. In the nineteenth century many objects with this style of decoration were found in Switzerland. It is inspired by formal motifs imported from Greece and Italy. European metalworkers rapidly progressed their own abstract flowing patterns. Although in the European tradition, metalwork produced in the British Isles between the sixth century BC and AD 100 has its own distinctive style.

Islamic Art

Islamic art covers the visual arts that are produced from the 7th century and onwards by the people who lived within the area that was occupied by or ruled by culturally Islamic populations. Therefore, it is very difficult art to define because it covers many lands and various peoples over 1400 years. It is not art specifically of a religion, or of a time, or of a place. Which is why a huge field of Islamic architecture is the main subject of a separate article, leaving fields as varied as calligraphy, painting, glass, ceramics, and textiles, among others.

Islamic art is often vibrant and distinctive, unlike Christian art. Islamic art is not limited to religious work, although it does include all the artistic traditions in Muslim culture. It is a strongly appealing, as well as differences in language and culture. Due to common features in all the Islamic art, which gives a remarkable consistency, nevertheless of the country or the time in which it was created. However, there are strong regional characteristic and influences from other cultures that are also noticeable.

The essentials of Islamic art includes all the Muslim art, not just religious art, it seeks to portray the meaning of things rather than their physical form. The crafts and decorative arts are seen as having full art status and painting and sculpture are the noblest forms of art. However, the Calligraphy is a major art form in Islamic art. It consist of calligraphy has high status in Islam as well as a significant decoration for buildings and objects.

In addition, geometry and patterns are very vital in Islamic art. One of the common features of Islamic art, the surfaces is covered with geometric patterns. The use of the geometry is to reflect the language of the universe and help the believers to reflect on life and the greatness of creation. Geometry is seen to be spiritual, as circles have no end they are endless, therefore, they remind Muslims that Allah is infinite. The complex geometric designs create the impression of unending repetition that helps an individual to get an idea of the endless nature of Allah. This use of the pattern is the part of a way that Islamic art represents nature by their spiritual qualities, not the material qualities or even physical qualities. 

Through this research I have noticed that there is a similarity between the main topics that I have analysed which are Henna Patterns, Celtic Art, William Morris and Islamic Art. As these four combines the same patterns such as little designs inside big designs that makes it look like a henna patterns. Therefore, it can be stated that henna patterns are developed a lot throughout the century and worldwide.

Project 8: Mirrors

This project requires me to produce a visual description of my Home. 

Home in India, this is where I spent the first 12 years of my life here, so basically my childhood was spent here.

I spent most of time childhood at my grandparents, as she lived just few minutes away from me, which was the best thing. 

Going back to my home in India, it is the one where I spent my childhood till the age of 12, and it is where I lived with 2 sisters, a brother and my mother. At the time, my father was in Kenya. Soon, my mother left my siblings and me and went to UK to provide a better life for us. Just after a year, my siblings, Dad and I moved to UK and live as a whole family in a family home. This was one of the difficult times where I had to go through, as I had to leave my grandparents and move to anther country. This meant that I would not see them for a long period of time. 

After coming to UK, I lived at 7 Conway Road, where had to endure a big move from India to UK away from my grandparents who I spent my whole childhood with and the leave all my childhood friends behind. This hit me really hard and I suffered homesickness now and then for a long period of time as I was missing everyone back home. I lived in Plumstead for only 6 months with two big family’s, which was very difficult as living with two big family’s under the same roof, but I knew that I had to live here until my father could find a house for our family. These 6 moths were the most difficult part of my life as every weekend I had to do house chores and hardly had time to concentrate on my studies, as well as having the difficulties at school due to not being able to speak or understand English. Due to this, I was bullied at school and I could not ask for anyone’s help, as I could not speak English. These terrifying events made me less confidence and made me question myself ‘Why did my parents decided to move to UK?’

2nd house from right 

However, everything changed after 6 months, when me and the rest of the my family moved to 132 Bloomfield Road, as I didn’t have to listen to anyone else, I could have my own privacy and for just once live as a whole family in our family home in Woolwich. I am currently, living with my mother, father, 2 sisters and a brother whom I love the most. As now, I hardly ever have to do any house chores; I can concentrate more on my education and be free. Also, everything was near to my home, the shopping centre, train stations and temple that I go to which is only 10 minutes away. This was great for me, as I can go whenever I want to and going there makes me forget about everything and the atmosphere is really calm and peaceful. However, while living in this house I started to get worried for my safety as the riots took place just 5 minutes away from my home and a British soldier got stabbed too. Slowly, living in this house was getting dangerous for my family and me.

2nd from left with the brown door

This project relates to the last project (7), that I have done based on Family and Friends. I prefer my house as my family home; this is where I belong, and where I have spent my life with my whole family for many years. I’ve got so used to this that I feel homesick if I am living somewhere else by myself. I have experienced this, when I went to Barcelona during my Easter holiday (April 2014), as on my first day at arriving in Barcelona I was really upset, as I’ve never been away from home by myself. Therefor this was quite unusual event for me although, after couple of days, I started to enjoy Barcelona as one of my close friend stayed with me during my holiday. 

For the final project, I have decided to make a booklet using quotes of what I consider my home. This reflects back to project 7; one of my personal favourite things that was typography/text/stencil, as I have used different types of typography within quotes that relates to family, friends and home. To make project 8 stand out well, I have decided to use an essay of the description of my home and layer the typography on the top of the essay in order to make it look as if is been created by stencil spray. The quotes that I have used are relates to how I consider my home to be. Overall, project 7 and 8 reflect each other just like Mirrors (project 8). Due to everything being related to my personal life. 

In my bedroom, there is a big working table, however, I do not use this for any of my work, as I like to do my work on the floor in large free area. Whereas, working on a table is not comfortable and there is not enough space to do all my work. However, I still use the table to put all my working equipment’s and other things that relates to my studies.

Just above the working table, I have a little notice boar, where I keep all my notes, any deadlines dates and any important details that I will be needed.

I have a little cupboard just above my dressing table, where I keep all of my everyday essentials such as make-up, face & body products, hair products and lastly one of my favourite things, which is my collection of perfumes. Which links back to the project 7 that I have previously done.

In addition, I use the kitchen worktop to do work such as cutting out things, or even taking pictures of my work to update it on to my blog. However, I only use for a short period of time.

Nevertheless, I use my living-room, to spend some quality time with my whole family, or even for a family dinner, then in the evening I use it to do my work as it’s really big, so it is easy for me to do any work that has quite a lot of paperwork as it won’t be crowded.

I have a collection of fridge magnets on my fridge, where I different fridge magnets that I have collected from various places. For example, from holidays or even museums and some of them are from my other family members and friends that have been on holidays. Also my family use it to stick any important notices for the rest of the family member to see.

Lastly, an image shown below is a shed and a garden that is been built recently. The reason for this is that since everything is so near to us such as temple, Woolwich shopping centre, Train stations and Railway, which will be out soon so everything is just local to us, and my whole family just got used to it living in this house. Therefore we decided that we all want to re-build this house. So far the garden and the shed is done and the rest of the house is still in process. In addition, the main reason we decided to re-build the shed is to keep all my artwork, any of the equipment’s and the materials that I use on daily basis. This will be our Family home where we treat our Friends like Family and our Family like Friends!